Hmana WAWALAHA is a Kanak student from the island of Lifou. He is a graduate from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (master of Public Law) and is training to become a magistrate

Ursula Rakova

Ursula Rakova is a pioneer in PNG’s environmental movement and international campaigner for the survival of her people and homeland on the Carteret Islands, which is threatened by rising sea levels. She is Executive Director of Tulele Peisa, an organization dedicated to relocating her small island community affected by the impacts of climate change. She + Lire la suite

Betty Barkha

Betty Barkha is from Fiji and currently a PhD Candidate at Monash University. Her PhD research is focused on examining the gendered impacts of climate change induced mobilities in the Pacific, specifically looking at planned relocation and displacement in Fiji. Betty is a recipient of the Monash University Faculty of Arts International Postgraduate Research Scholarship. + Lire la suite


Anote Tong is an I-Kiribati politician who served as President of Kiribati, from 2003 to 2016. Tong has been at the forefront of raising global awareness about catastrophic risks caused by climate change. He directed Kiribati’s purchase of approximately 20 square kilometers of land inFijiin 2014 as a contingency refuge for his people. This follows advice from the IPCC following its fifth + Lire la suite


Coral Pasisi is Senior Advisor to Director SPC at the Pacific Community (SPC). She has over 20 years of experience in the Pacific Islands region as an earth scientist and development planner, focusing on sustainable development, climate change and associated financing. She has worked at the government level in Niue as a Sustainable Development Planner, + Lire la suite


Jane McAdam is Scientia Professor of Law and Director of the Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law at UNSW Sydney. She is a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Law. She is also a Research Associate at Oxford University’s Refugee Studies Centre, an + Lire la suite


Adrian Macey writes and lectures on climate change and other topics. He is a former New Zealand diplomat, and his previous positions included Ambassador in Bangkok (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar), Ambassador in Paris (France, Algeria and the OECD) and Chief Trade Negotiator. From 2006-2010 he was New Zealand’s first Climate Change Ambassador and served as + Lire la suite


Alexander Gillespie is Professor of International Law at the University of Waikato, and Rapporteur for the World Heritage Convention. He is author of several books, and has been awarded a Rotary International Scholarship, Fulbright Fellowship, Rockerfeller Fellowship, and the New Zealand Law Foundation International Research Fellowship. Pr. Gillespie has also been the lawyer/expert on a number of + Lire la suite


Michael B. Gerrard is Andrew Sabin Professor of Professional Practice at Columbia Law School, where he teaches courses on environmental and energy law and founded and directs the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law.   He is also a member and former Chair of the Faculty of Columbia’s Earth Institute. Before joining the Columbia faculty in + Lire la suite


Brianna Fruean (is an Activist and Environmental Advocate for Samoa. She became one of the founding members of 350. Samoa, and Leader of Environmental Group “Future Rush” at age 11. Future Rush and 350 Samoa does various projects to help combat Climate Change and promote sustainable development through awareness programs to spread the word around schools + Lire la suite