Thibaut Fleury Graff
Thibaut Fleury Graff holds a Ph.D in International Law from Panthéon-Assas Univesity (Paris, France). He is a full professor of international law at Paris-Saclay University, where he is the Director of the Graduate School of Law. He is also the co-leader of the RefWar project on the protection of people fleeing armed conflicts ( and the coordinator of the French team of the FRICoRe project on Fundamental Rights in Courts and Regulation ( He authored or co-authored several books and numerous articles on international law, migration and asylum issues, among which « Manuel de droit international public (2) » (Paris, PUF 2016) and « Droit de l’asile » (with A. Marie, Paris, PUF 2019).
- Global governance of migrations in the aftermath of the UN Compacts: Upcoming challenges, in V. Sancin (ed.), International legal regulation of migration, Springer (forthcoming);
- Le droit international des réfugiés face aux déplacements générés par le changement climatique, Revue de droit international d’Assas, n°3/2020, pp.60-68, ;
- Multiplicité des acteurs et répartition de leurs compétences : gouvernance globale ou flou général ? Premières impressions à la lecture des Pactes, n°17 (2019), ;
- Droit de l’asile, avec A. Marie, Paris, PUF 2019 (2nd ed. forthcoming, 2021)